Friday, 2 July 2010

Sports Week

We skipped and skipped til we almost dropped...

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Do it yourself...

Snakes n ladders is usually boring but great fun if you have made the board yourself from scratch!!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Photo frames sell a bundle

There was a run on photo frames today so we had to re-order from our suppliers really quickly...

Open for business

Today we opened our shop - and did very well...

Thursday, 27 May 2010

TASC : bookmarks

Our bookmark factory is in full swing

We are building up a good selection of stock

TASC : production opens on our bracelet line

It's fiddly threading bracelets

But we soon get to work

And begin to fill our display stand

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

DT : designing a track game

We started to make a track game by planning it on squared paper

We used the photocopier to enlarge our work then added colour

TASC : book marks

Welcome to our bookmark factory...

... on sale soon.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Science : connex challenge


Tue, 25 May #2

The finished product

Science : connex challenge

5 minutes to go....

Science : connecx challenge

Nearly there

Science : connex challenge

We made the sails

And a platform...

Science : connex challenge

We soon got started...

Science : connex challenge

Mr Bates came from Sheffield Hallam University to introduce this year's Connex challenge

Today's challenge is to build a windmill.

DT : Finished cross stitch...

We have our first completed article...

DT : design and make

We are designing and making bookmarks themed on our favourite TV programmes

DT : embroidery

You can't make a cake without breaking eggs (more about cake later) and you can't do cross stitch without getting into a tangle now and again...

Monday, 24 May 2010

Time to take stock...

Whilst long ongoing activities are taking place we are slowly completing the organisation and filing of the gears output
Some are working on items for enterprise project, others sewing

TASC : letter writing

The final dreaft of the letter asking for the donation of prizes has been completed and is ready to be typed up and reproduced

DT : embroidery

Cross stich work coming along nicely

Thursday, 20 May 2010

TASC : English : letter writing

Today we reviewed all the group letters that were assembled in yesterdays lesson. Each group looked at all the output and marked and corrected it before giving it a NC level between 3C and 5C.
Finally each group attempted to make a composite from the four selected letters
The best will be typed up for repro and dispatch.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

DT : various projects

Those recently taught to do cross stochastic continued to sew their designs
As others finished paper designs they were taught to sew
Last few finished on paper
Some students attempted a friendship bracelet in string

Others considered naming our enterprise project and creating suitable publicity.

DT : embroidery

Those who have finished their cross stitch plan continued to transfer their design to bunker and commence to sew
Most others completed their design stage on paper during this session.

Art : drawing : pastels

The children were introduced to the use of pastels for drawin
They learned how to blend colours by smudging them together
Each pupil created a representation of a tropical fish

TASC : English : letter writing

We worked in groups.
Each member of the group brought the letter they had written in previous lesson. We read each others letters and selected the best bits of each to assemble into a composite letter which we will present to the whole group tomorrow.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

ICT : graphical modelling

We used the computers in the ICT suite to create graphical models of our cross stitch plans so that we can try different options easily.

TASC : English : letter writing

We began to compose a letter to local business explaining our enterprise project
We explained about our annual end of year trip and how expensive it has become so expensive and so we are intending to work hard to earn money to contribute to the cost
We explained how our targets could help by offering free stuff or vouchers

DT : embroidery

We continued to plan out the positions of the stitches to create our cross stitch piece. We Addad colour.

Monday, 17 May 2010

ICT : databases : TASC

We took our lists ans spent two sessions in the ICT suite researching the addresses for our target companies as well as trying to determine a contact name.
We created a database from the data that we gathered.

DT : embroidery

Today we began to plann our annual end of year cross-stitch design
Each student planned out on a piece of paper the position of the stitches to put on to the binker
Each student planned Name, "010 & Bankend as well as including a frame to surround the whole piece

TASC : planning our client list

We spent the first session of morning brainstorming and listing the businesses that we might target to donate prizes for our forthcoming fund raising event.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

SATs : Maths paper B

Today we did the second part of our SATs maths test.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

SATs : Maths paper A

Today we did the first part of our SATs maths test and our mental
arithmetic test

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

SATs : English : writing

This morning we are doing the long writing piece.

This afternoon will be the short writing, handwriting and spelling.

Monday, 10 May 2010

English : revision : text level

This afternoon we worked through all the possible genres that might crop up in tomorrows writing papers - we listed them and went through their main features.

We created a list of things we need to remember to get right or incluse in our writing in tomorrows tests.

We planned a narrative rriting piece called "Trapped"

After break we wrote the piece and were given times to pace writing

SATS : reading comprehension test

This morning we did the first of our SATs papers

Friday, 7 May 2010

Maths : Revision

More work on two stage word problems

English : Revision

More work on complex sentences

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

English : revision : instruction writing : play scripts

Attempted short writing task from a real SATs paper - "Joes Boots"
three subheadings given - we bullet pointed instructions on
- how to use
- warnings
- how to care for

Went on to look at a play script long writing exercise from a previous SATs paper "Can I Stay UP?"

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

English : revision : play scripts

Students worked in groups to create play scripts for a number of scenarios
- Gang Wars
- Lost and found

ICT : databases

We continued to research our group of 60 animals and complete our individual databases with a view to merging all the information and learning how to interrogate the data set

Maths : revision : problems in words

We looked at a variety of two stage word problems from a number of Previous SATs papers and talked about how to extract the sum and a variety of ways of approaching the calculation including sketching it out

English : comprehension

Finishing off any incomplete and outstanding comprehension work from Key Comp 3

Friday, 30 April 2010

English : complex sentences

Working with
In spite of
Because of

And similar sentence beginnings

Rhetorical Questions

We completed a number of exercises in which two sentences were brought together as main and sub-ordinate clauses separated with connectives or flipped to be separated with commas

Maths : Problem Solving

We continued to work our way through a number of increasingly difficult one and two stage problems involving number but set in words.

Monday, 26 April 2010

English : Comprehension

Unit 31 Key Comp - Road Rage
this is a piece of persuasive writing. Note the sub-headings
We read through this piece as a group then went through a substantial amount of vocabulary
we completed the formal comprehension task

Friday, 23 April 2010

Maths : data handling : mean mode median range

Today we spent our time completing the practice work in NHM pp 113 - 115.

Those children that completed the work in the text book began to create an exercise of their own in the style of the text book, making sure that the numbers worked...

English : word level : moving adverbs about

We created a number of sentences in groups of three and moved the adverb about so that it was at the beginning (with a comma), in the middle and at the end.

Students completing this task began a project to create a 15x15 wordsearch using adverbs from a given list

Thursday, 22 April 2010

English : complex sentences

Because of issues raised during this mornings lesson.

Short sentences are great for effect but we also need to do complex sentences.

Work on the position of adverbs and moving them from next to the verb to the beginning of a sentence with a comma.

Science : Adaptation to the environment

Today we are beginning to look in more detail at the way a number of different creatures are adapted to their particular environments.

The desert rat
Has large ears to keep cool
has thin fur
has long tail and big toes to help moving about in sand
is active at night so has good hearing and eyesight.

The Seal
has a streamloned body
has small ears to reduce heat loss
has layers of fat
has webbed feet
has oily fur

The fish
has sensitive areas to 'smell' food
has a streamlined body
has fins
picks up vibrations from the water
breathes water

The frog
has protruding eyes and nostrils
has a wide mouth and sticky tongue
has areas sensitive to vibration
has lungs for fast breathing but also absorbs oxygen through its skin
has webbed feet for swimming
has powerful back legs for swimming and leaping

The worm
has soil coloured skin
absorbs oxygen through its skin
has bristles on its undersise for grip
has a pointed head
has no need for eyes

The woodlouse
has a flat body to crewl under stones
has antennae to detect vibrations
has protective 'armour' to stop it drying out
can curl into a ball

Maths : data handling : mean

We recapped terminology from previous lessons - range, mode, median.

We introduced the concept of the mean and learnt that it can also be known as the average.

We learnt how to calculate the mean of a group of numbers by adding them up and dividing by the number of numbers you started with.

We practised this on the whiteboard with examples of pets, goals scored, etc..

We worked the example questions in NHM orally to make sure we all understood.

We completed p 114 of NHM and went on to the work on means o115.

Finishers created questions in the style of NHM questions for others to do.

Collaboration in progress...

English : revision : narrative writing

Today we have dissolved into groups.
Each group looked at their pieces of work and compared them to the list we created earlier in the week.
The purpose of the exercise is to learn to recognise errors in the writing and to make suggestions as to how a piece of work could be improved.
we need to learn to use description to expand our narrative; adding in adverbs and adjectives, opportunities for the use of similes... etc.

We dealt with the writing one paragraph at a time and slowly improved the whole piece.

The new piece was re-written for comparison and presentation before moving on to the next student's piece of work

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Science : Adaptation

Today we learnt that although humans can live in any environment from desert to arctic, plants and animals are uniquely adapted to the environment in which they live.

We looked at the features that a number of plants and animals and the specific traits they have developed to cope within their habitats.

We looked at features of the otter, birds, frogs, squirrels, and cactuses

Students created an eight panel comic style page recording and depicting the information we have been considering

Maths : data Handling : calculating the mean

We reviewed hoe to calculate the mean of a group of numbers by adding the numbers together and dividing by the number of numbers that there are.

We did several examples together as a class and then went on to complete p 114 of NHM 6 for prectice

English : Revision : Narrative writing

Yesterday we begun to write a narrative piece about an Easter Adventure.
This morning we have completed that piece.
We tried to take into account all of the skills and techniques that we listed yesterday and use as many of them as appropriate.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

DT : research and presentation

As this Friday is St Georges Day we have researched the story of George and the Dragon, created collaborative images and produced text for display materials with a view to presenting our findings in whole school assembly.

ICT : researching and making a database in Excel

Today we began the first stage of creating a searchable/sortable
database in MS Excel.
We created a table detailing a number of the different attributes that
we could consider in animals including name, habitat,weight, colour,
class(reptile, mammal etc),blood,food,young, length, height, skin,
legs, wings and lifespan lifespan
We used the All About Animals by Northumberland NGfL to research the
details of a large group of animals

We found that some of the information we needed was not in AAA so we
used Google to top up our information

We saved and named our work to continue at another Time

Maths : Data Handling : range, mode, median

We recapped the methods for discovering the range, mode and median of
a group of numbers

We completed the exercises on pp114 of NHM6

English : Revision

We created a class list and reviewed all of the things we have learnt
about that will help us to improve our weiting including:

Stuff to remember when doing 'long writing'.
Level 2
Capital letters and full stops.

Level 3
Nouns with adjectives separated by commas
Strong verbs and adverbs
Inverted commas used sometimes correctly
Question marks
Exclamation marks
There , they?re and their
Was and were
Capital letters for proper nouns
Correct use of tenses and persons

Level 4
Good paragraphing
Inverted commas used correctly
Apostrophes used correctly

Level 5
Semi colon

Monday, 19 April 2010

Maths : revision

We worked through SATs Paper A from 1998 explaining all the tricks
traps and pitfalls and verbalising the ways in which each question
might be tackled.
Emphasis was aced on Reading the question thoroughly and making use of
concrete operations where appropriate.
Reiterated that questions could be read aloud if requested and that
there is time if you don't panic!!

Maths : data handling range, mode, medial

We learnt that the
Range is the difference between the largest and the smallest number
Mode is the most common number
Median is the middle number

Working on the interactive whiteboard. The students did a survey on
the number of pets they have.
We took the numbers and rewrote them in order,
We looked at the largest number and the smallest number and subtracted
to find the range.
We then looked to see which number appeared most often to find the mode
We then crossed numbers off each end of our list until we were left
with one number in the middle to find the mode.

For practice we did NHM6 pp113

English ; Comprehension

Key Comp 3 Unit 30 - Sam
We read the passage individuly then re-read it for vocabulary.
We answered all the questions orly and from memory.
We spoke about questions where a simple yes/no answer seems to be
required, but in fact both answers can be right depending upon point
of view - expressing your point of view well is what gets marks awarded
De ts completed the questions

Work with a thesaurus needed

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Hapy Easter

Heres wishing everyone happy Easter - see you all again on April 19th

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

ICT : Grids

Following up on our work on symmetry and tha making of worksheets we
have decided to produce more sheets but this time with the aid of our

We used the Drawing tools in MS Word.

We turned on the Grid and adjusted it to 1cm by 1cm
We snapped the objects to the grid

We found that the gridlines did not print so we needed to create the
boxes and grids for the symmetry work.

We used the box tool to create boxes and made grey grids inside them

Made the lines of the shapes bolder to make them stand out on the page.

We learnt how ro recognise and overcome issues on our computers by
thinking about ways to get round the issues using what we know our
computers will do - workrounds

Maths : Symmetry

We looked at reflective symmetry and practised identifying lines of symmetry.

Those completing all the set work created symmetry sheets to be
completed by others.

ICT : Completion of Projects

As our classroom chairs were used for the Easter assembly we took the
opportunity to go to the ICT suite to make sure all of our open
projects were completed and saved

Monday, 29 March 2010

Science : classification : keys

Science : Classification : Keys

We looked at the way unknown creatures can be identified by following the yes/no rout through a key.

We completed an example distingushing between a number of vertebrates including a mammal, a fiss, a reptile, a bird and an amphibian.

We completed a second example distingushing between a number of invertebrates

In our final example we used a selection of invented creatures to secure the principle.

Our next step will be to create keys of our own

Maths : Percentages

We recapped the method for calculating percentages of numbers.

We completed a number of practice sums to secure the method both paper and pencil and with a calculator

English : comprehension

Students are all now working independently on a variety of the
remaining units in Key Comp 3
All comprehensions marked immediately on completion and immediate
feedback is given

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

English : Biography

From a former SATs paper students attempted to create a fictitious biography for Pip Davenport.

All the features of a biography were discussed.
3rd person
Chronological order

We also discussed needing to

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Maths : Problems with words (2)

Continuing with the document we created using Test Base which contained all of the Level4 questions from all the old SATs papers.

We brought each question up in turn and completed it on an individual basis

Once we all had an answer we would consider the method used to solve
the problem.

We discovered that the actual maths was quite simple once we had unravelled the problem.

The problems were often in two steps.

We pointed out more of the tricks and traps used by the testers to misdirect pupils.

English : Comprehension

Unit 25 - Rosie and the Boredom Eater
Students continure to work collaboratively in their reading groups.

Re-read the passage and reviewed all questions answered to date.

Continued to discus and collaborate to assemble a group response to
each question.

Once complete group answers are submitted then students return to
their places to complete the activity individually

Monday, 22 March 2010

Science : Classification : Plants

Continuing from last weeks work on animals we considered the world of plants.

We divided plants initially into two categories.

Flowering and non-flowering.

We further sub-divided these categories

Deciduous trees

Non Flowering
Conifer Trees

We discussed the difference between deciduous and evergreen
We linked to deciduous teeth in babies...

Students created an illustrated A4 revision guide as a mmory aid to remind them of these classifications

Maths : Problems in Words

This has been identified as being a problem area during recent assessment.

We created a document using Test Base which contained all of the
Level4 questions from all the old SATs papers.

Together we brought each question up in turn and completed it on an
individual basis

Once we all had an answer we would consider the method used to solve
the problem.

We discovered that the actual maths was quite simple once we had
unravelled the problem.

The problems were often in two steps.

We pointed out some of the tricks and traps used by the testers to
misdirect pupils.

English : comprehension

Unit 25 - Rosie and the Boredom Eater
Students read this piece collaboratively in their reading groups.
After sufficient reading one student adoped the role of teacher and
led discussion about the question, recording group answers in full
The role of "teacher" could be rotated.
Once group answers had been completed students returned to individual
desks, each to complete the exercise in his/her own book.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Maths : Probability

Completed probability exercises that were worked through and discussed yesterday.

English : Complex Sentences

Some examples given of what constitutes a simple sentence and what constitutes a complex sentence

Modelled how to convert a simple sentence into a complex one by
- adding more detail (clauses)
- "flipping"

Using the words listed yesterday construvted a complex sentence for each word.

finishers to consider Key Comp Bk 4 Unit 1 - harder comprehensions

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Science : Classification : Invertebrates

We talked about the way that scientists group living things into groups.

We talked about a number of groups following on from our ICT lesson,
We considered invertebrates

Insects - 6 legs, three body parts
Arachnids - 8 legs, body parts
Molluscs - slimy foot, sometimes have a shell

Students created an A4 revision guide for these classifications

Science : Classification : Vertebrates

We talked about the way that scientists group living things into groups.

We talked about a number of groups following on from our ICT lesson.

We considered

Fish - breathe with gills, eggs in water, fins and scales, cold blooded
Amphibians - born with gills, develop lungs, eggs in water, damp skin, cold blooded
Repitles - lungs, eggs on land, dry scaly skin, cold blooded
Birds - lungs, feathers, hard shells on eggs, warm blooded
Mammals - fur hair, lungs, live young, warm blood, milk

Students created an A4 revision guide for these classifications

Maths : Probability

Reviewed all the information we learnt yesterday about the language of

Impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely, certain.

We talked through a number of scenarios and discussed them in terms of this vocabulary.

We found that some things that were likely for some people were unlikely for others.

We talked about putting a numerical value to probability.

Examples we used initially were a coin toss, dice, playing cards.

We continued to divine a method based on fractions to express the probability. eg if there are 2 possible outclmes and one actual outcome the probability is 1 in 2 or 1/2 - also expressed as 0.5 or 50%

We applied this method to dice and playing cards

We looked at a variety of different scenarion snd as a class discussed number of word problems including questions on probability

English : complex sentences and the suffix '-ful'

We have noted that words ending in - ful are often mis-spelt by the class.

We started off by identifying a list of rootworfs that can take the suffix -ful
We made a ass list on the whiteboard.
Each student chose a root word in turn and added the suffix before verbally placing it in context in a sentence.
We considered the instances where the adding of the suffix altered the spelling of the root word.

We modes the "flipping" of simple sentences to turn them into complex sentences and introduced some useful phrases of relation and causality
Because ...
So that....

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Design Technology : Boxes and Cards

Students are finishing off the construction of the hexagonal boxes to be used to hold Easter eggs as a gift.

Students completing their boxes can line them with tissue.

Students completely lining boxes started on the design of a suitable card to give to a loved one.

Maths : Probability

Full mental maths test.

Completion of work on probability begun yesterday

NHM P 122

Finishers attempted to create probability questions in the style of the text book for others to do. Pupils worked in pairs and discussed the answers.

English : Narrative writing

Before we did any writing we discussed again all the features of
writing that are displayed at a variety of levels 2-5
We discussed paragraphing
Students were given a story beginning and asked to develop it, based
on an Easter theme
Whilst tjestudents were writing they were caled individually in turn
to receive feedback on yesterdays comprehension.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

ICT : Creation of a paper database

We created and populated a paper database with six fields and 30 records.
Each database has to have
10 mammals
5 birds
2 amphibians
2 snakes
4 fish
6 insects
2 arachnids

Anyone completing this can then list animals in alphabetical order

ICT : Databases

We opened Excel and began a list of animals

We are using 6 columns

Each column contained different data:
Animal - Group - Limbs - Skin - Birth - Blood
We did some work on classification identifying the characteristics of each animal group
Mammals - hair/fur milk live young warm blood..
Birds - feathers, eggs, warm blood..
Amphibians... slimey skin, eggs, cold blood...
Snakes... scales eggs no legs...
Fish... scales eggs cold blood
Arachnids... eight legs...

We printed the list for distribution

Maths : Probability

We introduced the language of the concept of probability

Impossible -> unlikely -> likely -> certain

We discussed a number of scenarios suggested their probability.

We introduced the concept of even chance

We learnt that probability expressed as a number can be be a
ratio 1:5
fraction 1/5
percentage 20%

NHM Pp 122, 123

In passing we revised the following vocabulary
Prime numbers
Square numbers
Triangular numbers

English : Comprehension

Unit 24 : Bad News

Students read the piece in their reading pairs and threes.
They identified any difficulties they were having with vocabulary and
we discussed them.
There are many apostrophes in this piece - we considered each one and
developed strategies for deciding whether each one was an apostrophe
of possession or omission.
We considered each question as a group - questions now contain higher
degrees of inference and deduction - we asked "how do you know..."
whensver appropriate.

Students completed the formal comprehension.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

RE : The Easter Story

In a question and answer session we reconstructed the Easter story from the fragments that were remembered by the class

We read an account of the story together

We discussed Easter customs and the Easter calendar including Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday ans Ascension Day as well as Easte symbols such as the egg being a symbol of new life

SATs countdown 28 days to go

Today we completed a formal comprehension in an examination environment in the school hall.
The students had 15 minutes to read the scripts than 45 minutes to clmplete the answer booklets

Design Technology : Cards and boxes...

Students worked to complete their mothers day cards for the weekend (ssh don't tsell mum) and continued to produce their gift boxes ready for Easter

Maths: SATs countdown 28 days to go

Mental arithmetic test deployment and recording of results

We looked at the feedback from the results of the 2009 test administered this week

we discussed individual targets for the real tests

Many childre have moved on and progressed well in excess of expeccted progress and we celebrated their success

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

SATS countdown 29 days to go

Worked through all of the questions in the Maths 2009B paper.
Explained easy methods that were not obvious when using a calculator.
Will deal withatters arising in subsequent lessons.
Informed students of results
The vast majority of students have made between 1 and 3 sunlevels
progress since December
This represents 8 to 24 months progress made in three months.
Congratulated class on their efforts and discussed final targets for
May's tests.
Re focussed target groups online wit current attainment
Today was a good day.

ICT : basics of animation

Students created their own version of the kiss animation.
Once basic animation sequence was complete the students experimented
by adding dialogue in speech bubbles and changing backgrounds.

ICT : Animation - the kiss

Created by Ryan and Luke

ICT : basics of animation

Using PowerPoint we demonstrated how to create a form of stop motion
animation using auto advancing of slides and a variety of transitions
We created a film called the kiss - two circles move towards each
other and as they touch a heart appears and floats out of the top of
the screen. The stage then fades to black.

SATS countdown 29 days to go

This morning students were gathered on the school hall to atempt the
2009 maths paper B

Papers will be marked and note will be taken of issues arrising and
these will be addressed in an ongoing programme of revision between
now and when the real tests are administered in May.

Monday, 8 March 2010

SATS countdown 30 days to go

Early afternoon was spent exchanging old desks for new ones arrived today.

Once we finally got down to work we looked at each question in turn and debriefed wrong answers pointing out where mistakes had been made

All students had more than one instance of misreading or misinterpretation of the questions.

Most agreed that by being careful they could have increased their scores significantly

SATS countdown 30 days to go

Mental arithmetic SATs tesst from 2009

We began to consider the questions from the 2009 SATs A test completed earlier

Major problems with careful reading of the questions

Pointed out that the maths was simple once you had actually extracted the sums from the text.

Pointed out the tricks and traps that examiners use to catch you out

SATS countdown 30 days to go

This morning students were gathered on the school hall to atempt the
2009 maths paper A.

Papers will be marked and note will be taken of issues arrising and
these will be addressed in an ongoing programme of revision between
now and when the real tests are administered in May.
Issues arising:
Parallel lines
Reading Scales
Translating fractions into a linear mode
Reading questions carefully
Increase decrease
How many more

Friday, 5 March 2010

Maths : Co-ordinates

Continuation of work on co-ordinates in 4 quadrants

Students were presented with an exercise in which shapes were drawn by plotting co-ordinates then joining them using straight lines

On completion of the exercise students were charged with reverse engineering the worksheet to understand how to create one of their own

Shapes were drawn onto a grid
The positions of vertices were plotted for each shape and recorded
The grid was emptied leaving only co-ordinates

English : Addressing a few points arising from written work

Omission - recap use and give examples where apostrophe is NOT used
- pain't, wi'll... Etc
Posession - confusion arising from pluralisation of nouns:
Dealing with the dropping of the second s when a word ends in s -
either plurals or nouns that end in s - Jesus'

Wh words

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Science : Healthy Living

Each student used the information discussed in the previous lesson to create an A4 revision guide covering the topics we have mentioned

Science : Healthy Living

Today we touched on the subject of drugs.

We learned that a drug is a substance that alters the way in which your body functions

We discussed drugs that are legal and drugs that are illegal.
We discussed the fact that drugs can be beneficial or harmful.

We talked about four major drug groups:
medicines (including illegal substances)

We discussed each of these in turn and spoke at length about the effects that taking each of them would have on your body and whether the effect wouls be beneficial or harmful

Maths : Co-ordinates

We introduced the concept of four quadrants
We identified the axes - x and y
We remember which is which by remembering that X is a cross (across!!)
On axes from - 7 to 7 on the x adis and from -6 to 6 on the y axis
place and plot the positions of the letters of the alphabet.

Students completing this task create a worksheet for others by
creating q similar document from scratch then adding instructions on
how to plot the letters.

English : Comprehension

Unit 22 - Loll's first day
This unit was read aloud by the students initially.
We went through the passage a second time picking out vocabulary
The story hinges on a pun.- a play on words.
The word in the text that has two meanings is 'present'
We explored the two meanings of present and how the confusion had
We discussed puns in general and gave many more examples before the students completed the formal comprehension

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Maths : Long multiplication + decimal subtraction

More practice and help on the above - many more now "remembering" the methods with pencil and paper

Decimal subtraction - importance of place value and inserting place holders
Decimal subtraction - inverse operation

English : Speaking and Listening : Comprehension

Unit 22 - The longest journey in the world
We initially read the poem through together then children were allowed 10 minutes to re read individually.

After this we paired up re read and discuss the questions, appropriate answers and where in the poem is the text that informed answers.
In pairs students role played being the "teacher" and the "pupil" mirroring the question response techniques we have modelled in previous sessions.

After 10 - 15 minutes the groups merged to compare answers and discuss further.

After this process was complete the groups split up and began the formal answering of the questions in writing.

During this process children were seen individually and yesterdays diary work was considered, children were told an approximate grade and mentored as to how to improve their writing.

Issues Arising...
homophones (again!!)
Concentration issues
Purpose and Organisation - ie FINISHING IN TIME

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Design Technology :

We are beginning to design and create a box with a lid that can be filled with small chocolate eggs used as a present for Easter... shhhh!

Maths : Emergency Revision of Long Multiplication!

All students had their weekly mental arithmetic test.

During follow up work it became apparent then the technique of long multiplication had been "lost" by a number of the group.

We recovered the technique, explaining how two separate sums were combined into a single paper and pencil method.

We completed a number of examples then students practised individually.

Anyone wanting to do more at home click here for more sums (with answers, Mum!!)

English : Diary Writing

We briefly recalled the various genres we have already covered - non chronological report, chronological report, narrative, letters, instructions, etc.

Introduced genre of diary writing.

We listed the features of diary writing
Writtin in first person
May express feelings or opinions

We looked at a former SATs paper in which students were asked to write two conflicting diary entries for a brother and sister attending the same event. In liked it and one didn't.

We discussed a method of approach which would enable us to represent two differing points of view.

Students were ginen the statutory ?SATs 45 minutes to complete the task - focus on Purpose and Organisation

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

ICT 2 : Using the internet to search large databases and to interpret information

Students were given free reign to use any internet resources available.

They found that a single search failed to provide them with all of the information.

They needed to use a combination of search tools and refine their search terms in order to access all the information available

Some of the tools used included:

ICT 1 : Using the internet to search large databases and to interpret information

We began by identifying all the continents of the world on a map.
We marked North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia and Antarctica on an outline map on our interactive whiteboard.

the students were told that their task would be to look at rivers in the world and to find the five longest rivers for each continent except Antarctica (all frozen!!)

For each river students are required to find the following data
ContinentCountry of Source
Counntry of Mouth
Length in Km
Length in Miles
Sea it flows into

On the interactive whiteboard we created a spreadsheet ot store the data and created a template so that we could all populate our own individual datamase with the information we found.

Maths : Percentages - decimals - fractions : converting

Today we tried to make sense of the fraction/decimal/percent issue.
We tried to get across that fractions, decimals and percentages are
simply a way of expressing the same thing - ie parts of a whole.

To do this we converted fractions to decimals to percentages

To convert a fraction to a decimal:

numerator divided by denominator = decimal

To convert the resulting decimal to a percentage

decimal x 100 = percentage

Thi8s was trialled on a calculator and we completed a sheet of
fraction conversions ranging from 1/2 to 7/8

Extension : those completing the sheet with a calculator attempt the
same exercise without a calculator!!

English : spelling : homophones

We looked at some commonly confused homophones
by bye
write right
blew blue
sea see

We placed the words on our whiteboard and decided what kind of word
they might be - noun,verb, adjective (and 1 preposition)
We constructed definitions for each of the words to clarify their
meaning and associate the meaning with the spelling
Students constructed two sentences for each of he words to demonstrate
their grasp of the subject matter.
Those that completed went on to attempt ex 20 & 21 from learning
targets for literacy.
Extension work - write a short paragraph containing all the target words.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Science : healthy eating : designing a healthy menu

The students were asked to create a labelled, graphical representation
of a menu for one whe week.
Each plate has space for a main course, a starter and a drink.
All the food groups must be represented on each plate.
No individual food may be used more than once in the week.

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