similar to what might come up as the long writing piece in SATs the
whole class has had a lesson on Purpose and Organisation in writing.
The organisation is the way that the story is segmented into
appropriate paragraphs, the purpose being the way that the story moves
along to a conclusion.
We stressed the importance of planning - knowing what happens - before
you begin to write
We modelled the way a plan might look for the story at hand.
We dealt with plausibility issues - chocolate pirates, the three
bears, wolves, lions and picking bananas were all ruled out.
As we built the plan together we discussed what might plausibly happen next.
We constructend the following plan
Opening paragraph - given
Paragraph 1
Land on beach
Climb the hill ? racing
Get to top out of breath
Describe what we can see
Beaches all around
The spring and the stream
The water fall
Paragraph 2
Racing down the hill
Paddling in the stream
Water fall
Someone trips
Paragraph 3
The injury
What to do?
Carrying along the beach
Back to the boat
Coast guard
Final paragraph
A and E
Broken or not broken